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Who am i?

I’m an English writer of Sri Lankan heritage, born and brought up in London. I’ve had many roles in my life: daughter, wife and mother, much like many other women and I lost myself in all three until I hit middle age and rediscovered my passion for writing. I write about older women because let’s be honest here, we’re largely invisible in society, and I won’t let us desiccate in the corner without giving us love stories with passion, excitement and self-discovery.

Like my characters, I’m still figuring out life, trying new things, taking those leaps, making mistakes. I hope that you’ll take a leap with me…..

Credit Sacha van Opstal

Represented by Hayley Steed

Janklow & Nesbit (UK) Ltd
66-67 Newman Street
London W1T 3EQ

Janklow & Nesbit (UK) Ltd

Ronali Collings - author with Janklow & Nesbit (UK) Ltd

If you’re a book club and you would like me to join you virtually, or where possible, in person, do contact me via Twitter or Instagram (links above).

(Photos by Sacha van Opstal)